Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

What is Earth Day?

A day in which people would celebrate the beauty of the planet, as well as raise awareness for ways to preserve its natural resources and protect its species. Today, Earth Day is observed in 192 countries. Whether it's a massive public rally, a private event, or an individual contribution, there are many ways to participate. Efforts can range from organizing environmental fundraisers, to planting a tree, to taking care to use less water and paying extra attention to how many lights are left on. Lets all do what we can to better our planet for the future. Our kids depend on it!

Why weather matters

Earth Day

  • A 1.6 degree warming of the North Sea has allowed predators to move into the bottom waters and eat mussels. Mussel beds, like coral reefs, form a matrix on which hundreds of species depend. Their losses have had consequences for the entire ecosystem.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cold nights ahead!

Be careful of frost early in the season. Any nights of temperature around 34 degrees and clear skies is a sign that frost is soon to follow. Frost can cause a lot of damage to newly planted plants. Covering on cold nights is advised.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring is in the air!

It is that time of the year again....Get your lawn mower out, start edging your beds, and I recommend re mulching at least once a year. Some of the benefits of mulching include; enhancing the appearance of your home, a "face-lift" if u will; moisture retention to keep plants hydrated; weed suppression; erosion control; and mulch also enriches the soil as it breaks down. Some varieties such as Cedar can also be used as an effective insect repellent!